WEBINAR: Building the business case for diversity

(originally on 16th September)



Building the business case

One of the topics that is most requested by HR professionals in our post-webinar surveys is how to build the business case for diversity.

Whilst many business leaders report to want to promote diversity within the organisation, when it comes to making process change or putting money behind initiatives they are less forthcoming.

The evidence is clear that the more diverse an organisation’s leadership, the better it performs - Mckinsey’s ‘Diversity Matters’ report found that:

  • Companies in the top quartile for ethnic diversity were 35% more likely to have financial returns above their national industry median; and,
  • Companies in the UK with a 10% higher gender and ethnic diversity in management were 5.8% more profitable
This webinar highlights key data from further useful reports and covers:

  • Practical tips on how to build the business case for diversity
  • How to track and report diversity metrics
  • Best practice from EY who share their own experiences