WEBINAR: Building an inclusive Early Careers Programme

11am on Wednesday 24th March- CANCELLED

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A diverse and inclusive Early Careers Programme is an essential part of a holistic DE&I strategy because it allows you to tap into the diverse and skilled talent pool that is leaving education.

Being remote has not only forced us to reconsider how we attract and assess candidates but also how businesses can successfully train and onboard employees in their Early Careers. This training must be thorough in order to encourage people from all backgrounds to thrive and succeed at their new role.

We’re also noticing that now more than ever, Gen Z candidates are asking for more from their future employers. Gen Z have expectations on the following topics which we will be discussing in detail at the webinar:

  • A diverse and inclusive workforce
  • Flexibility
  • Sustainability 

This webinar will provide you with tools, processes and technologies that we use to help our clients including Octopus Energy and Ipsos MORI, to help them make the most of this talent pool and create a successful and inclusive Early Careers Programme.


Who should watch: 

  • HR Directors
  • HR Managers
  • Recruitment directors